Gannon Burgett

Imola qualifying 🏎️ Indy 500 qualifying 🏁 UFC Fight Night 🥊 Tigers vs Diamondbacks 🐅

A perfect schedule of sporting events to enjoy while hanging out with the family in the backyard.

All New Tech

I’ve started a little side project. It’s called All New Tech, and it’s a small, simple website dedicated to sharing fun and fascinating new tech.

As I explain on the “About” page, the entire premise behind All New Tech is to concisely share and summarize “products and services, answering the age-old questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.”

Occasionally, I’ll provide context where necessary and/or link out to other publications that have more thorough coverage. But my goal for each post is to succinctly summarize new tech as simply as possible.

I created the site because it’s something I wish existed. While there are a few similar sites, none I could find fit the form of what I was envisioning. I hope you can get some occasional value from it too, regardless of how techy you may or may not be.

For full disclosure, I do plan to eventually use affiliate links where appropriate to cover the (admittedly small) operating costs of the site and (arguably more importantly) to support my coffee habit. But what’s covered on All New Tech will never be determined by whether or not I could potentially earn affiliate money and there will never be banners or pop-up ads on the site.

As with all of my projects, there’s a chance I’ll become bored with this in three months and never touch it again. But so long as I’m having fun with it, I’ll keep updating it as time and energy permits.

A panorama photograph of Comerica Park in Detroit, Michigan, on a partially cloudy day as the Tigers play the Houston Astros. Photograph is taken from behind home plate showing the Detroit skyline in the distance.

We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect way to spend my son’s birthday at the ballpark on Friday. The Tigers didn’t win, but the weather was flawless, the overpriced food was fun, there was an impressive fireworks show to cap off the night, and we saw the northern lights on the way home.

Finally, it feels like I can come up for a breath of air. I’ve finally wrapped up the second semester of my return to college and finally have a short break before I start the summer period. Taking 14 credit hours in back-to-back trimesters on top of a full-time job and freelancing was not ideal.

Nikon to Acquire US Cinema Camera Manufacturer RED

via Nikon:

“Nikon Corporation (Nikon) hereby announces its entry into an agreement to acquire 100% of the outstanding membership interests of, LLC (RED) whereby RED will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nikon”

This is an absolutely fascinating acquisition. I think it’s safe to say this is the largest acquisition ever in the photo/video world, with DJI’s effective acquisition of Hasselblad back in 2017 coming in (an arguably distant) second.

I’d have to imagine this acquisition is at least in large part, if not entirely, driven by Nikon and RED’s legal battles over internal RAW video compression, which Nikon implemented in its flagship Z9 camera system. Nikon subsequently faced various lawsuits (1, 2) from RED, but it was eventually dismissed without any further information being shared at the time.

It makes sense to keep RED as a separate subsidiary for now, but I’m more fascinated to see what this buy-out means for Nikon on a larger timeline. Almost overnight, it makes Nikon a massive player in the commercial-level video world, competing with the likes of ARRI, Blackmagic, Canon, Panasonic, and Sony. RED doesn’t particularly have the best image from a PR perspective, but if Nikon plays its cards right, it could soften the patent-troll-like reputation RED has had and become a serious player in the niche cinema market.

KidPix 1.1 — The Internet Archive

Despite the program being designed for children, it is accessible and relevant for all ages. Its bit-like graphic design style that was popularized in the 90s is making a resurgence today. With its satisfying sound effects and easy-to-use features, Kid Pix remains a valuable treasure, now saved in perpetuity on the Archive.

What an absolute throwback to my primary school years. Internet Archive has a working version of Craig Hickman’s child-oriented painting program KidPix up and available for anyone to use.

The first time I used an Apple product was playing this program on the iconic iMac G3 units that lined my elementary computer lab, MacOS 8.1 and all.

via The Internet Archive

Clicks is a BlackBerry-style iPhone keyboard case designed for creators — The Verge

“A new company called Clicks Technology has announced an iPhone case with a built-in keyboard on the bottom.”

Time is a flat circle. Now we need someone to bring back T9 with physical cases. I’m sure my muscle memory would get me back to typing out T9 messages in no time. Who knows how many hours I spent perfecting the art in middle school and high school so I could sneakily type under the desk without looking.

Decisions, Decisions

How do you come to terms with not being able to do everything, everywhere, all at once?

I enjoy taking photos. I’m fascinated with collecting rocks. I adore making memories with my children. I cherish taking in walks with my wife. And I forever strive to soak in small moments of solitude in the beautiful places I travel to. But how do I figure out which reasonable combination of these things to do at a given time?

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, one of our family goals this past year (and for next year) is to travel around Michigan. More specifically, travel around Michigan with the intention of walking along the beaches of the Great Lakes to collect various rocks and fossils, a hobby often referred to as rock hounding.

Something I struggle with though, not only during these adventures but other travels as well, is figuring out how to spend my time when we’re out and about. Realistically, I can only do one, maybe two tasks at a time. So, using the aforementioned examples, do I spend the time walking along the beach trying to corral the children while occasionally picking up a rock or two (and having a fear of missing out (FOMO) that I might miss a beautiful agate)? Or do I enjoy the walk with my wife and snap a few photos along the way? Should I be recording video of the kids as they look for rocks worth keeping? Or should I take a still photograph of them instead? Do I use a 35mm film camera or my 120 Contax 645? 50mm or 105mm?

So many decisions, both before and during every single activity. And that’s to say nothing of dealing with the FOMO that making one decision altered what could’ve been the better one after the fact.

I know I’m not the only one to feel this way; my wife expressed feeling the same way during our adventures (we’re both very multifaceted people with more hobbies and interests than is likely reasonable) and I’ve talked with others who feel this way in varying capacities. But it really does wear on me in ways that I don’t often realize until after the fact when I’m in a decompression stage much later on.

I’ve always considered myself to be someone who understands tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and cost-benefit analyses of both business and personal endeavors. But I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that I struggle much more with the latter.

In my work life, I seem to have no problem making a decision amongst seemingly endless possibilities and doing it with little to no second guessing. But that aptitude doesn’t appear to translate well into my personal life. I’m not sure why, and I certainly don’t have an answer, but this post is my “thinking out loud” exercise I hope to be able to reference months or years from know when I eventually make some progress on this matter.


An early-00s F-150 and a late 90s Roadmaster trike. Captured this past summer at my in-laws house.

Photographed on a Nikon FM2 with a 50mm F1.4 lens on expired (early 2010s) Kodak Gold 200.

Muskegon on Tri-X

One of our family goals this past year was to explore more of Michigan, the state we proudly call home. While traveling with two young children is far from convenient, we managed to make it to nearly every corner of the lower peninsula.

One of our family goals going into 2024 is to further explore Michigan and The Great Lakes that surround us. Specifically, we hope to make it to the upper peninsula as a family. I had the opportunity to explore some of the U.P. this year thanks to a work trip, but I was only briefly able to see the beauty and solitude it affords. Now it’s time to explore it with my wife and two ever-curious children.

These shots are a few black-and-white photographs I captured on one of the aforementioned trips—specifically, a trip to Muskegon, Michigan. They were shot on a Nikon FM2 with Tri-X 400 exposed at the rated ISO. I’ve been exploring a bit with Acros II over the past year or two after I picked up a few dozen rolls at an unbeatable price, but I always come back to Tri-X when I’m looking for flexibility. It can be pushed, pulled, and adjusted during development to no end and always comes out with the results I’m expecting. The perfect utilitarian film stock.

Popping Day/Nyquil like candy and using Afrin to gain some semblance of breathing back isn’t how I intendeded to spend the week between Christmas and New Years. But of all weeks to be sick, this is probably one of the better ones given work is all but off and all the kids are home from school.

You Should Have a Research Question

“By occasionally picking things to go deep on, you balance out the otherwise broad information diet we all get by default by being on the internet, consuming media, and just kind of being a modern human.”

A wonderful suggestion from Allen Pike I needed to hear, particularly going into 2024. I certainly don’t mind knowing a little bit about a lot (I feel like being a jack-of-all is my MO), but I do burn unnecessary amounts of time perusing through superficial information that doesn’t pay quality dividends relative to the time investment.

County Fairs

A close-up shot of a Ferris wheel at a fair, showing colorful cabins decorated with strings of lights. The sky is clear with a few clouds, and the top of a tree can be seen at the bottom of the frame.

I’ve never been much of a fan of county or state fairs. I’m not exactly sure of the source of my aversion, but it’s probably a safe bet to assume it has something to do with mostly unwillingly going to them as a child living in small-town Indiana.

Despite my general disdain for a variety of reasons, I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t enjoy them for the collage of colors and characters they bring out—even more so when you shoot it with some expired Fujifilm Superior 200 stock from the freezer.

These particular images were taken at a small-town Ohio county fair, where we go to annually in the town my wife was born and raised in. Not seen in this series are the adorable photos I snapped of my kids and wife having a wonderful time on rides. But those are destined for the frames in the living room family scrapbook, not my blog.

An action shot of a fairground ride in motion, with chairs suspended on chains swinging out. The ride is multicolored, and trees frame the top of the image against a backdrop of a blue sky with soft clouds. A food stall at the fair with signs for 'Aunt Bee's Funnel Cakes' and 'Texas Tenderloin.' There's a crowd of people in the foreground, some blurred, with a focus on the colorful stall that also advertises deep-fried Oreos. A carnival ride operator standing at the exit gate of a ride, which is painted red and yellow. The ride is not in motion, and there's a crowd of fairgoers in the background behind a metal barrier. A queue of people waiting at a lemon-shaped food trailer. The booth is bright yellow with a green tip, resembling a lemon, and is set against a busy fairground background. A bustling fairground scene with a food stall in the foreground advertising 'Corn Dogs,' 'Nachos,' 'Tacos,' and more. People are walking by in various directions, and there's a colorful banner overhead. A dynamic image of a thrill ride called 'Freak Out' at its peak motion, with seats filled with riders flung into the air. The ride is brightly colored with yellow, red, blue, and green, and the name of the ride is prominently displayed in a stylized font with lights.

Spent some time tinkering around with this old thrift store find that needed a bit of work. The front lens cover had some fungus on the inside. A heat gun, a cheap metal pick, and a quick cleaning later solved the problem.

Now to put some film through this lovely little 35mm point-and-shoot.

One down, (at least) three to go

While the final grades are technically pending, I have finished all my coursework and examinations for what is effectively my first semester of college1.

I never intended to return to school, but the stars aligned enough to justify taking on the extra workload. It’s been a doozy with full-time work, freelance work, and the ever-important work of being a father to two young children, but it’s been a solid experience so far.

And, for the first time in my life, I’ve ended the semester with a 4.0. I don’t expect that to carry on throughout the remainder of my degree, but hopefully, I can sneak through with a 3.5 or higher GPA when all is said and done—a vast improvement over the 2.8 I left high school with.

Update (December 14, 2023): The grades are officially in my transcript: 4.0 across the board.

  1. The credits I acquired from my previous two years of university I dropped out of over a decade ago didn’t transfer, so I’m more or less starting over as a freshman ↩︎